Skin Foods
- Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin. Low fat yogurt is on the best places you can find Vitamin A in. Low fat yogurt also contains acidophilus, which is the live bacteria that is good for your internal health.
- Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and plums are the best fruits for your skin and body. They have the highest level of antioxidants in them then any other fruit. The antioxidants help your skin from sun damage. We all want our skin looking young and youthful for a long time.
- Other fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants include artichokes, beans, prunes and pecans.
- Salmon, Walnuts, Canola Oil and Flax Seed Oil all contain healthy oil; which helps keep the skin lubricated and keeps it looking and feeling healthier overall.
- Whole wheat bread, muffins, and cereals; turkey, tuna and nuts all have mineral selenium which plays a key role in healthy skin cells.
- Green Tea is simply a natural miracle beverage. Whether you take green tea orally or put it directly on the skin; it can reduce the risk of damage from ultraviolet light.
- WATER is probably the most important thing for your skin. Think of your skin as a flower; you need to keep it hydrated or else it will dry up, get ugly and die. Get your 8 glasses a day! Buy a water bottle that has 32 fl. oz of water. You will only need to drink the whole water bottle twice a day.
Remember to love your skin and it will love you back!